'2024 This series has been inspired by the works of Sengai Gibon, an artist and Japanese Buddhist monk of the Rinzai school.I decided not only to visualize my point of view of the painting “Circle, Triangle and Square” by taking instant photos, but also to live this experience in the literal sense.The minimalist work of the artist is also called “Universe” In Europe, which means everything that exists. The signs are interpreted as images of water - a circle, fire - a triangle, and earth - a quadrilateral.This is how Sengai Gibbon saw the Universe. This picture encourages me to think about what exactly a person needs for existence. What exactly do I need for my existence. The first, the last and the only part. Existence. For 2 months, I lived in a completely empty space without unnecessary things and redundant stuff, only necessary - access to water, a toilet room, a table and a laptop for work, 2 sets of clothes. There were also mirrors in the apartment, which I used several times only for photos. The comfort is a symbolic term - that s what I understand after first two weeks of the experiment. I missed the please where the bed should be but not the bed itself. That’s why I brought home a few specific things. A stone instead of a pillow and branches, which I picked up in the park, instead of place where the bed should be. One of the branches I put in water and after a month it blossomed with flowers. A month later, I printed the photo on recycled paper with seeds and some of them turned into plants. Original polaroids and polaroid print on homemade paper with seeds of various plants.